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10 Tips to Live a Healthier life

10 Tips to Live a Healthier life

Our body is the most important for every soul and we need to take care it. Because your body as your physical shell to take you through your life. The life is beautiful and you won't failure your life with unnecessary healthy problems. If you are healthy then your organs are working well today but how they are tomorrow? Therefore take proper care of your body today. 

How can we take care of our body? Is it a healthier diet or regular exercises or enough sleeping and water. What are the most useful practices? In this article, I share you 10 tips to live a healthier life

  1. Drink Enough Water. Water is essential to function our body because over 60% our body is made up from water. Water is essential to carry out body function, carry oxygen and nutrients through our body and remove our waste. Drinking of water support to lose our weight as well. But most of us don't drink enough water every day. We lose water through urine, sweat, spit and breathing. We need to refill our water regularly.

    How much of water we need to replenish daily to our body? It depends on various factors such as humidity, weight and physical activities you engage in daily. But we need average of 3 litre of water daily. The optimal time to drink water is 30 minutes before each meals.
  2. Get Enough Sleep. It is important to have a enough rest for your body daily. Sleep is support your body to get enough sleep. Lack of sleeping causes for premature ageing and reduce your mental and physical performance. Poor sleeping is the strongest factor for weight gain and obesity. Further it could drive insulin resistance and disrupts your appetite hormones. Read 10 Tips to Sleep Better at Night to get a perfect sleep at night.

    Number of hours of sleeping is depends on many factors including your age and physical activities.
    • Age 0 - 3 months needs 14 - 17 hours sleep
    • Age 4 - 11 months needs 12 - 15 hours sleep
    • Age 1 - 2 years needs 11 - 14 hours sleep
    • Age 3 - 5 years needs 10 - 13 hours sleep
    • Age 6 - 13 years needs 9 - 11 hours sleep
    • Age 14 - 17 years needs 8 - 10 hours sleep
    • Over 17 years needs 7 - 9 hours sleep
    • Woman in first three months of pregnancy needs more hours of sleep than usual

  3. Eat Fruits. Fruits are loaded with prebiotic fibre, vitamins and minerals. If you are eating more fresh fruits, live longer and have a lower risk of heart deceases and type 2 diabetes. As much as possible, try to consume vitamins and minerals from your diet.
    Try to eat nutritious fruits such as Orange, Banana, Papaya, Watermelon, Mango, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Strawberry and Apple.

  4. Reduce Processed Foods. Process food is not good for your body because it added more preservatives, most of the nutritional value is lost and consists of more salt or sugar. High amount of sugar leads to diabetes and high amount of salt leads to high blood pressure and heart deceases. Try to eat less processed food usually.

  5. Meditation. Meditation supports you to calm your soul and mind. It help to proper blood circulation with oxygen through your body. Further it helps to have a clear skin and looks younger. Read 10 Benefits of Meditation.

  6. Eat Small Meals. Try to obey the concept of eat when you feel hungry and stop when you full. Small meals support for energy distribution of your body. It's avoid over stretch your stomach from a big meal.

  7. Exercise daily. Researches has shown that exercising daily brings vast benefits to our health such as lifespan, lower the risk of decease and weight loss.Exercise help you to increase the activity in your life. Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift, Walk a distance, choose a sport according to your preference or join for an aerobic or dancing class. Don't suffer yourself with exercises, try to enjoy the life with exercises.

  8. Don't smoke or do drugs and don't drink alcohol. Alcohol drains water from your body and have negative effects on your body and health. It impacting the proper functioning of our brain, liver, lungs, and other organs in the body. If you drink alcohol regularly, try to reduce your consumption.
    Smoking is causes for lung cancer, kidney cancer, mouth cancer, heart attacks and more deceases. If you're a smoker, it affect to your family, friends and people beside you. Nicotine in cigarette addicted yourself for smoking.   
    Do drug is more dangerous and it causes more deceases in your life. Further try yourself avoid breathing in air from smokers as a passive smokers. 

  9. Maintain a Healthy Body WeightThe right weight is depends on few factors such as gender, height, age, and genes. Being affected by obesity and overweight increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer.
    Excess body fat comes from eating more than we need and fat is the most concentrated source of energy. Physical activity helps us spend the calories, lose weight and makes us feel good.

  10. Love yourself. If you have negative mind or attitude about yourself, it negatively affected to your mental outlook and health. Every time try to appreciate your self. Try to be positive about your self and see everything of your life as a challenge. If negative people in your life, try to let them go. If you have a negative feelings, try to get rid of them. Try to live for your purpose and live for a meaning each day.


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