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10 Tips to Improve Your Body Language

Mainly there are two communication methods we are using to communicate with peoples such as verbal communication methods and non verbal communication methods. Out of them Body language and facial impression is very important as a non verbal communicate method to interact peoples. Do you aware about your body language, facial expression, body postures and gestures while you are communicating with other peoples?  Most of the research suggested that minimum of 60% of your communication derived from above non verbal communication methods. 

From this article you could learn how to improve your body language, facial expressions and body gestures. You feel more confidence and making a good progress during the communication if you are doing these action steps. 
  1. Smile. Try to be in a smile face while your conversation going on. Don't make your face more neutral because the neutral face is more of a scowl. Therefore try to turn up corners of your mouth a bit. 
  2. Don't cross your arms. Don't fold or cross your arms during the conversation because having cross arms signals that you are in a upset mood or you want to be left alone. The opened or uncrossed hands will signals that you are ease in the situation or ready to talk with the person in front of you. This makes positive impression on the people around you.

  3. Keep the open space of upper front part of your body.  If you are closing the space in front of you, it gives a signal of don't talk to me, I'm not interested on talking now. Therefore don't do anything that covers up the upper front part of your body. If you are keeping the open space, it will be more approachable. 
  4.  Have Proper Eye Contact. Eye contact is very important when making a connection between the peoples. It's helpful to establish your connection and let other person know you pay your attention to listen him. Look away from time to time to give other person some space and relax  and reconnect after split of a second. Otherwise some people feel uncomfortable under continuous gaze.  
  5. Minimise Distracting Movements. Distracting movements such as nail biting, skin peeling and finger drumming are bad habits, therefore try to minimise or avoid them.
  6. Relax your Shoulders. Shoulders support you to balance your body. Too high shoulders appears yourself as nervous or slumped shoulders appears a sad or self-conscious impression. Try to fall your shoulders natural and comfortable height. 
  7. Straighten your Backbone (Spin).  If your Backbone (Spin) is strengthen, you feel higher than others and it's easy to blow others' perception. Try to straighten your spin in a positively confident manner
  8. Be open with your emotions. If you are feel sad, try to express sadness or if you are feel happy or surprise, try to express actual feeling to the others. Don't keep your emotions inside yourself, try to open it to others.
  9. Pace yourself to match the person.  It is very important that you assess each person in front of you individually. Your body language will help you the best connect with other people. For some people, you may required to adopt more defensive or more close body language to connect with them, but you should decide in the beginning.
  10. Take a deep breath. This is one way to calm your nerves and make your whole body more relaxed during the conversation. 


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